Hillary Clinton and the DNC: The Fish Rots From the Head

Citizens have been swamped by the tidal wave of corruption associated with or emanating from the Trump campaign and presidency, but late last week brought affirmation of a long-held belief that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee rigged the primary campaign against populist Bernie Sanders. The revelations emanated from none other than Donna Brazile, the woman who sat in as the DNC's chair after Debbie Wasserman Schultz was deposed for exactly the corruption Brazile now exposes.

Wither The Democrats?

Former President Barack Obama campaigns in support of Virginia Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam, Democratic candidate for governor, at a rally in Richmond, Virginia, October 19, 2017. The Democratic Party, Democratic voters, and grass roots progressive activists should be in a state of high agitation, focused on one thing - containing Trump, his fake populism and his Republican allies.

Oh My: With FBI Actions Now Under Suspicion, WSJ Editors Call on Special Counsel Mueller to Resign

In my earlier analysis of the latest dossier/collusion developments -- which have taken an abrupt turn in the last week, to the dismay of many liberals -- I wrote that newly-revealed and -confirmed details raise serious and uncomfortable questions for both the Democratic Party and the FBI. In a house editorial published today, the Wall Street Journal's editors explicate several of those questions that demand a full accounting.

Fox News Op-Ed: “The Democrats’ IT Scandal Just Got Even More Bizarre”

A new report by Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller reveals Imran Awan, a former DNC IT aide, feels very strongly,' that his 'attorney client privilege,' be respected in connection to a laptop with the username 'RepDWS.' Lawyers for Imran Awan, an ex-aide who ran information technology for Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, "feel very strongly" that a laptop with the username "RepDWS" should not be valid as evidence because he put a note that said "attorney client privilege" near it before leaving it in a phone booth on Capitol Hill, they said in federal court Friday.

DNC Favors Democrat Incumbents Over Bernie-Backing Primary Challengers

On September 29, Politico published an article claiming that Bernie Sanders Supporters have opted not to primary Democratic Party incumbents. "Democrats have long been terrified that the Sanders-Clinton slugfest of 2016 would set off a prolonged civil war in the party, forcing incumbents to fight off primary challengers from the left in Senate and gubernatorial races," Politico reported.

Wasserman Schultz leads efforts to remove Confederate names, statue

If U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., gets her way, the names of three Confederate generals will be removed from street signs in Hollywood, Fla., and the statue of a Confederate general representing Florida will be removed from the National Statuary Hall in Washington. Wasserman Schultz, the former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee who resigned from the post in July 2016 amid allegations that she favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders for the party's 2016 presidential nomination, has asked local leaders in Hollywood to remove the names of Robert E. Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest and John Bell Hood from city streets.

Why Is This Not a Story?

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman known in political circles as DWS, is knee-deep in a scandal that involves a laptop, money and possible foreign entanglements. Unlike the Trump Russian scandal, however, The Washington Post and New York Times have barely reported on the story, which has conservatives observing -- with President Donald TrumpA s Twitter account concurring -- that the mainstream media have a double standard.

Michelle Malkin: How Did the Dems’ IT Scandal Suspects Get Here?

Here is a radical proposition: The public has a right to know the immigration status and history of foreign criminal suspects. Their entrance and employment sponsorship records should not be treated like classified government secrets - especially if the public's tax dollars subsidized their salaries.

Jeb Bush: Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s ‘incompetence and terrible judgment’ is ‘jarring’

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush lashed out at Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., amid an information technology procurement scandal involving one of her former staffers. "The incompetence and terrible judgment displayed by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and House Democrats is jarring," Bush tweeted Saturday, with a link to a Wall Street Journal opinion piece detailing the controversy surrounding IT aide Imran Awan.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz defends not firing controversial IT worker

The Florida congresswoman is standing by her decision to not fire a worker of hers who was arrested last month Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., defended herself amidst controversy over her decision to continue using the services of an IT worker who was accused of stealing computers and data systems. Last month the IT worker, Imran Awan, was arrested by the FBI and Capitol Hill Police while boarding a plane to Pakistan.

Wasserman Schultz defends decision to keep IT aide on payroll

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Thursday defended her decision to keep IT aide Imran Awan on her staff months after she was informed he was under investigation for fraud. Awan, who was arrested at Dulles airport last week allegedly trying to flee the country, is charged with mortgage fraud for listing a rental property as a "principal residence" while attempting to secure a line of homeowner equity credit.

Questions Surfacing Regarding Imran Awan Attorney and His Connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton

The fake news media cable networks have almost completely shut down coverage on one of the biggest scandals from the Democrat Party since former DNC worker Seth Rich was murdered. The media blackout is only fanning the flames as the alternative media continues to bring punishing rounds to the DNC, proving Wasserman Schultz has something to hide! In addition there are suspicions that the Rich murder is somehow connected.

Former Debbie Wasserman Schultz Aide Arrested for Bank FraudImran…

A longtime IT staffer for Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the former leader of the Democratic National Committee, was arrested Monday while allegedly trying to flee the country and charged with bank fraud, the latest development in an increasingly odd story. On Tuesday, Imran Awan, who was trying to fly to Pakistan when the FBI nabbed him, was charged with defrauding the Congressional Federal Credit Union for lying on an application for a $165,000 loan.

House Dems Hired A Fired McDonald’s Worker As Their IT Guy

Multiple members of Congress hired as their information technology administrator an individual whose most recent job experience was being fired from McDonald's, The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group has learned. Spokesmen for the members won't say what their bosses knew at the time, but the hiring decisions highlight the role - witting or unwitting - the representatives played in what turned out to be an alleged multi-million-dollar IT scam in Congress with serious implications for national security.

Robbers drag woman through Broward gas station parking lot

A 64-year-old woman was dragged through the parking lot of a Broward County gas station on Friday, June, 2, 2017, after two men stole her purse and pinned her arm in their car door, according to Davie police. Unless more Cuban Americans register for the Gift of Life bone marrow registry, Manny Valdes may lose his battle with acute myeloid leukemia.

A dubious Russian document influenced the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe

A secret document that officials say played a key role in then-FBI Director James Comey's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation has long been viewed within the FBI as unreliable and possibly a fake, according to people familiar with its contents. In the midst of the 2016 presidential primary season, the FBI received what was described as a Russian intelligence document claiming a tacit understanding between the Clinton campaign and the Justice Department over the inquiry into whether she intentionally revealed classified information through her use of a private email server.

An unscientific analysis of the Florida delegation’s feelings on orange juice

In addition to being the day the House of Representatives passed an Obamacare repeal bill and the unofficial Star Wars day, Thursday was also National Orange Juice Day. It's a totally real thing promoted by the state's Department of Citrus, which you should not be surprised to hear is also a real thing.