A religious freedom summit cana t undo Trumpa s record on Islam

This week's State Department ministerial on international religious freedom has been a well-orchestrated, if hastily organized, event with a sense of common purpose rarely seen in the current administration. It prominently features the work of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, as bipartisan a body as you'll find in Washington these days.

Prince George turns 5: His most adorable moments

Just hours after he arrived into the world, Prince George made his first public appearance on the steps of the St Mary's Hospital's Lindo Wing on 22 July 2013. Bundled up in a white blanket, the little prince was cradled by his proud parents as he was introduced to the media and adoring crowds who had awaited his arrival.

Trump Says Border Policy Mirrors Obama’s, Denigrates Immigration

President Donald Trump falsely claimed that his administration hadn't implemented new policies leading to the separation of children from their parents at the U.S. border, and said immigration is changing Europe "and I don't mean in a positive way." Trump was told during an interview on Air Force One with British journalist Piers Morgan that protests against his visit across the U.K. were a response to his administration's policy of child separation.

Scottish foes of Trump take to streets and skies

Demonstrators march in Edinburgh, Scotland, to protest President Trump during his visit to the country. Trump is spending the weekend out of the spotlight at his golf resort at Turnberry.

From his Scottish golf resort, Trump tweets about Russia…

President Donald Trump, at his luxury seaside golf course here, turned his eye to domestic politics Saturday morning -- attacking former President Barack Obama, questioning the FBI, torching CNN and bragging about his 2016 win. With country roads to the golf course cordoned off, and aides mum about the president's activities on a sunny Saturday morning, he gave a lens into his mind around 11 a.m. local time.

Pair jailed after claiming A 125,000 by posing as Grenfell victims

Two illegal immigrants who claimed more than A 100,000 of support meant for Grenfell Tower fire survivors in a "parasitic fraud" have been jailed, police said. Elaine Douglas and Tommy Brooks, who are Jamaican nationals, were put up in hotels for almost a year before staff at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea realised the flat they claimed to live in on the 19th floor of the tower did not exist.

Trump’s Brexit intervention is perfectly reasonable, says Rees-Mogg

Donald Trump's explosive Brexit intervention has received a markedly different response from Leavers to Barack Obama's dalliance in the debate. In the months before the referendum, the then US president faced an angry backlash when he warned that Britain would be at "the back of the queue" for American trade deals if it quit the EU.

Royal etiquette for the Trumps’ visit: Don’t kiss the queen

In this June 8, 1982 file photo, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, on Centennial, and Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, on Burmese, go horseback riding in the grounds of Windsor Castle, England. US President Trump enjoys flouting diplomatic rules and expressing himself in bold and sometimes mocking tweets and comments, but that side of his personality is unlikely to surface when he takes tea Friday, July 13, 2018 with Queen Elizabeth II.

Trump arrives in UK after attacking Theresa May’s Brexit plan

Donald Trump has arrived in Britain for talks with Theresa May just hours after attacking the Prime Minister's Brexit plan and highlighting Cabinet divisions. The US president landed in Air Force One at Stansted Airport in Essex at lunchtime on Thursday at the start of a four-day UK visit expected to see protesters take to the streets in large numbers.

The Latest: Trump hammers NATO nations on defense spending

President Donald Trump is continuing to hammer NATO nations over their defense spending as he prepares for a second day of meetings in Brussels. Trump says presidents have been trying to get "Germany and other rich NATO Nations" to pay toward protection from Russia.

Mark Latham campaigns for Pauline Hanson in Longman by-election by urging vote against Labor

Will my son be next? Parents of eight children still trapped in Thai cave network face agonizing wait as rescue operation restarts - after four boys were brought to the surface alive 'We only knew each other between action and cut': Robin Wright breaks her silence on Kevin Spacey's sexual assault claims and says she rarely interacted with her House of Cards co-star Prince Louis to be christened TODAY: Royals gather for the baptism of Kate and William's 11-week-old son at St James's Palace Manafort's lawyers demand hearing on the Justice Department's off-the-record meeting with four reporters, claiming it prompted 'improper leaks' to the press and led to the criminal charges against him 'I'm alone': Harrowing first words in hospital of mother who survived horror crash that killed her husband, 61, and their FOUR young daughters, as wrong-way driver who smashed into their minivan is ... (more)

Who are the Brexiteers in the Cabinet and what have they said about May’s EU plans?

Will my son be next? Parents of eight children still trapped in Thai cave network face agonizing wait as rescue operation restarts - after four boys were brought to the surface alive 'We only knew each other between action and cut': Robin Wright breaks her silence on Kevin Spacey's sexual assault claims and says she rarely interacted with her House of Cards co-star Prince Louis to be christened TODAY: Royals gather for the baptism of Kate and William's 11-week-old son at St James's Palace Manafort's lawyers demand hearing on the Justice Department's off-the-record meeting with four reporters, claiming it prompted 'improper leaks' to the press and led to the criminal charges against him 'I'm alone': Harrowing first words in hospital of mother who survived horror crash that killed her husband, 61, and their FOUR young daughters, as wrong-way driver who smashed into their minivan is ... (more)

Alan Dershowitz Is Enjoying This

Alan Dershowitz is holding court on the front porch of the Chilmark General Store, talking to old friends and complete strangers, nearly all of whom stop to tell him, between sips of their iced coffee, to keep doing what he's doing. A young girl compliments his T-shirt .

The American Resistance Should Also Salute This Corsican Revolutionary on July 4th

Pasquale Paoli, the Corsican resistance leader who had won independence for his island in the Mediterranean in 1755. "The greatest in the United States Constitution is its first three beautiful words," President Donald Trump declared in his first address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 19, 2017.

New York Today: New York Today: The Primaries

In the 12th Congressional District , which includes the east side of Manhattan and northern Brooklyn, Carolyn Maloney , 72, who has held the seat since 1993, is defending it against the well-financed Suraj Patel , a 34-year-old hotel executive. Mr. Patel has amassed $1.2 million - more than Ms.

FBI joins investigation into suspicious powder sent to office of Caroline Nokes

THE FBI have joined the investigation after a suspicious package sent to Romsey's MP brought the town to a standstill two months ago. The office of Romsey and Southampton North MP Caroline Nokes was quarantined in April after a potentially dangerous substance was found within a letter sent to the Immigration Minister.

UK honors ‘Windrush generation’ amid scandal over their immigration status

LONDON Friday marks 70 years since the MV Empire Windrush docked here with nearly 500 people from Caribbean nations ready to help rebuild Britain after the ravages of World War II. But this year's Windrush Day celebration is marred by an ongoing political scandal over suddenly classifying these long-term residents and descendants from former British colonies as illegal immigrants.