Commentary: Facebook damages freedom of expression in Vietnam

Last year, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said: "Our job at Facebook is to help people make the greatest positive impact while mitigating areas where technology and social media can contribute to divisiveness and isolation." As a Vietnamese musical artist who grew up in a totalitarian society, I can attest to the positive impact Facebook can make.

White House not ‘micromanaging’ FBI, Sarah Sanders says

White House limits scope of the FBI's investigation into the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh - The FBI has not been permitted to investigate the claims of Julie Swetnick, a White House official confirmed to NBC News. - WASHINGTON - The White House is limiting the scope Trump: No limits on FBI's investigation into allegations against Brett Kavanaugh - The FBI has not been permitted to investigate the claims of Julie Swetnick, a White House official confirmed to NBC News.

Pro-Palestine MP is quizzed by police after he brands the Israeli…

Trump slams the Dems over Kavanaugh controversy then mocks Feinstein's appearance at the committee by casting doubt on denials she leaked Dr. Ford's letter saying her body language was 'the worst I've ever seen' FBI contacts second Kavanagh accuser Deborah Ramirez - which Trump calls a 'blessing in disguise' that will exonerate his SCOTUS pick, as the White House BANS the bureau from speaking to third woman Julie Swetnick World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee unveils radical plan for the fabled 'New Internet' that will decentralize the global system and allow users to take back control of their data from sites like Google and Facebook 'Lindsey Graham needs the stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend': Bill Maher attacks the South Carolina senator for defending Brett Kavanaugh and mocks his close friendship with the late John McCain Thousands stampede at Global Citizen concert in ... (more)

Led Zeppelin face new trial over claims they stole a guitar riff for song Stairway To Heaven

Trump slams the Dems over Kavanaugh controversy then mocks Feinstein's appearance at the committee by casting doubt on denials she leaked Dr. Ford's letter saying her body language was 'the worst I've ever seen' FBI contacts second Kavanagh accuser Deborah Ramirez - which Trump calls a 'blessing in disguise' that will exonerate his SCOTUS pick, as the White House BANS the bureau from speaking to third woman Julie Swetnick World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee unveils radical plan for the fabled 'New Internet' that will decentralize the global system and allow users to take back control of their data from sites like Google and Facebook 'Lindsey Graham needs the stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend': Bill Maher attacks the South Carolina senator for defending Brett Kavanaugh and mocks his close friendship with the late John McCain Thousands stampede at Global Citizen concert in ... (more)

Thousands stampede at Global Citizen concert in Central Park after…

Trump slams the Dems over Kavanaugh controversy then mocks Feinstein's appearance at the committee by casting doubt on denials she leaked Dr. Ford's letter saying her body language was 'the worst I've ever seen' FBI contacts second Kavanagh accuser Deborah Ramirez - which Trump calls a 'blessing in disguise' that will exonerate his SCOTUS pick, as the White House BANS the bureau from speaking to third woman Julie Swetnick World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee unveils radical plan for the fabled 'New Internet' that will decentralize the global system and allow users to take back control of their data from sites like Google and Facebook 'Lindsey Graham needs the stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend': Bill Maher attacks the South Carolina senator for defending Brett Kavanaugh and mocks his close friendship with the late John McCain Thousands stampede at Global Citizen concert in ... (more)

PH privacy agency finds Facebook’s remedy on security breach insufficient

The Philippines' National Privacy Commission has informed Facebook, Inc. that its remediation measure on roughly 50 million users exposed to malicious attacks was insufficient. NPC Commissioner Raymund E. Liboro issued this statement after receiving informal notice from Facebook representatives that the world's largest social media network had found a vulnerability in their app that was exploited by malicious attackers.

Latest Facebook breach shows the need for public-private collaboration on tech security policy

For Facebook, this is a huge blow - and the latest of several high-profile breaches that have cast renewed doubts on data privacy. This highlights the need for a robust public-private partnership when it comes to cybersecurity.

Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, to meet with Republicans to discuss alleged bias, China

Google's chief executive, Sundar Pichai, will meet privately with Republican lawmakers on Friday in the face of lingering questions involving its operations in the U.S. and abroad. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, California Republican, has scheduled a meeting with Mr. Pichai for the end of the week, The Wall Street Journal first reported Monday.

With newfound aggressiveness, GOP ramps up Kavanaugh fight

Brett Kavanaugh says he won't let "false accusations drive me out of this process" as he, President Donald Trump and top Republicans mount an aggressive drive to rally the public and GOP senators behind his shaky Supreme Court nomination. Trump and Republican leaders accused Democrats on Monday of a smear campaign by using accusations by two women of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh in the 1980s to try scuttling his Senate confirmation.

Public defender challenging credibility of racist San Bernardino…

A San Bernardino County deputy public defender has subpoenaed the employment records of a lead gang prosecutor whose racist rants on social media in July generated public outcry and a demand by civil rights groups for his termination.

PAC targets politicians it says act against women’s interest

The Stanford University law professor who led the successful recall of a California judge over his handling of a sexual assault case announced Monday that she is broadening her fight to target politicians. Michele Dauber said the Enough is Enough Voter Project will raise money to campaign against candidates for state legislature or Congress.

How 53-year-old married pilot of doomed Malaysia Airlines flight…

In 2014, Malaysian and Australian officials warned that the reason behind Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappearance may never be determined. Source: AP Messages from the pilot of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have revealed a creepy man who obsessed over twin sister models' social media profiles, said the Daily Mail .

Iran fears plot by US and its Gulf allies as pressure grows

On Saturday, Sept. 22, 2018, Arab separat... . In this photo released by official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, President Hassan Rouhani, center, leaves for New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly, at Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, ... .

Lawmakers question Google over kids’ privacy on YouTube

Google says YouTube isn't for children under 13, which is why it created a separate app for them, YouTube Kids. Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, a Nebraska Republican, sent a letter this week to Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai asking for more details about how the service collects data.

Congressmen question Google over kids’ privacy on YouTube

Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, a Nebraska Republican, sent a letter this week to Google CEO Sundar Pichai asking for more details about how the service collects data. Their letter comes months after privacy advocates filed a complaint about YouTube with the Federal Trade Commission.

Mexican day laborer locked up on Rikers after cops mistook him for…

Francisco Morales, an undocumented immigrant erroneously picked up on sexual assault charges and detained at Rikers, talks to the Daily News next to his live-in partner Rosa Jimenez, Wednesday. A hard-working immigrant who was locked up on Rikers Island for at least two weeks on sexual abuse charges in a horrifying case of mistaken identity is now suing the city for $5 million.