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… like Buffalo, Rochester and the New York City suburbs. Cuomo’s State of the State tour will take him to Westchester County on Tuesday, where he will deliver an address at SUNY Purchase’s Performing Arts Center at 10:30 a.m. before heading to Long …

Cuomo: Indian Point is too dangerous

… also laid out a plan to make college education more affordable for all New Yorkers. Cuomo will speak in Westchester County on Tuesday. Additional addresses are planned for Long Island, Syracuse and Albany later in the week. Governors traditionally …

Couple leaves woods for Stamford’s urban life

… in a new light, it just felt right.” Garfinkel, 62, and Russek, 70, traded their 3,000-square-foot Westchester County home for a more modest duplex condo in the Stamford Landing complex in the city’s Waterside neighborhood. “We had the choice to …

Sustainable Saturday: After Indian Point

… a clean energy future. An agreement to shutter the ailing Indian Point nuclear reactors in Buchanan, NY (Westchester County) was announced on January 9. Under the deal hammered out between keep its employees on board until the shutdown, finding new …

A timeline of Ramapo’s evolution

Key events in the evolution of zoning in Ramapo, N.Y.: 1954 – Brooklyn-based Skverer Rebbe Yaakov Yosef Twersky purchases a 130-acre dairy farm near Spring Valley, in Ramapo, to establish a Hasidic Jewish community that became known as New Square. The name, anglicized by a typist, is taken from the City of Skver in what is now Ukraine.

ConEdison Solutions a ” Sustainable Westchester a oeGo Toa Energy Supplier …

ConEdison Solutions which has been the default supplier selected by the Sustainable Westchester power consortium of 24 Westchester County cities and towns, including White Plains, has announced it is being purchased by Exelon, a $7 Billion energy supply firm. The purchase comes six months after ConEdison Solutions started supplying electricity to the 24 Westchester cities and towns.

Gun show to return to Westchester County Center for 1st time in 4 years

In the light of the Fort Lauderdale Airport shootings, many Westchester residents are debating over whether or not this month’s gun show at the Westchester In the light of the Fort Lauderdale Airport shootings, many Westchester residents are debating over whether or not this month’s gun show at the Westchester County Center should be cancelled. WHITE PLAINS – In the light of the Fort Lauderdale Airport shootings, many Westchester residents are debating over whether or not this month’s gun show at the Westchester County Center should be cancelled.

Is ‘Hillary Clinton for mayor’ crazy talk?

If there’s any glimmer of truth to the rumors that Hillary Clinton is considering a run for mayor of New York City, it would be evidence that she might have tripped and bumped her head during one of those long walks she’s been taking in the woods of Westchester County. It’s not that she couldn’t make a credible run.

NY Post Endorses Hillary Clinton for Mayor

… also for constituents in areas far from the media spotlight.” Clinton, who lives in Chappaqua, N.Y., in Westchester County, would need to become a city resident “and spend months building ties to Gotham’s neighborhoods,” the editorial notes. “Nor …

State, Federal Lawmakers React To Deal To Close Indian Point By 2021

Indian Point’s two nuclear power plants would be closed permanently by 2021 under a deal confirmed Friday by Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, who called it “a complete surprise to us” and “potentially catastrophic.” Early reaction to the proposed permanent closing of Indian Point’s nuclear reactors by 2021 has been met with a mix of shock, disappointment as well as praise.

Reports: Indian Point Nuclear Plant to Close by 2021

The aging Indian Point nuclear power plant just north of New York City will close within about four years under a deal with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has long argued it should be shuttered to protect the millions of people living nearby. Under the arrangement, plant owner Entergy Corp. will shut both reactors at the Westchester County facility by April 2021.

New York City Rare Bird Alert

Below is the New York City Rare Bird Alert for the week ending Friday, January 6, 2016: – RBA * New York * New York City, Long Island, Westchester County * Jan. 6, 2017 * NYNY1701.06 – Birds mentioned PINK-FOOTED GOOSE+ BARNACLE GOOSE+ ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER+ TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE+ Greater White-fronted Goose ROSS’S GOOSE Cackling Goose TUNDRA SWAN Eurasian Wigeon Blue-winged Teal KING EIDER Harlequin Duck Red-necked Grebe Eared Grebe American Bittern Great Egret Tricolored Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Osprey Bald Eagle Virginia Rail Sora SANDHILL CRANE DOVEKIE Razorbill Black-legged Kittiwake BLACK-HEADED GULL Iceland Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Glaucous Gull SNOWY OWL Short-eared Owl Red-headed Woodpecker NORTHERN SHRIKE LAPLAND LONGSPUR NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler Palm Warbler YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER Yellow-breasted Chat Savannah Sparrow … (more)

Republican Legislators Offer Compromise to Save Gun Show at the…

Friday, the Board of Legislators’ Republicans submitted Legislation that would require all gun show operators who stage a gun show at any location in Westchester County to adopt the operational guidelines recommended by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. 1) All guns brought into the gun show by private sellers are tagged so that, upon exiting, the operator can determine if guns were sold and that a proper background check was performed.

This Week From Albany: Cuomo’s road show

… make $79,500 and haven’t seen a raise in 18 years. The speeches continue Tuesday on Long Island and in Westchester County and Wednesday in Syracuse and Albany – coincidentally on a day when the Legislature won’t be in town. The work has gotten off …

AP source: Aging New York nuclear plant to close by 2021

The aging Indian Point nuclear power plant just north of New York City will close within four years under a deal with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has long argued it should be shuttered to protect the millions of people living nearby. Under the arrangement plant owner Entergy Corp. will shut both reactors at the Westchester County facility by April 2021.

AP source: Aging New York nuclear plant to close by 2021

The aging Indian Point nuclear power plant just north of New York City will close within about four years under a deal with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has long argued it should be shuttered to protect the millions of people living nearby. Under the arrangement, plant owner Entergy Corp. will shut both reactors at the Westchester County facility by April 2021.

Staying in Tune with the Current Market

… also upped the firm’s competitive edge within the markets they serve across Connecticut, Rhode Island and Westchester County, N.Y. “The Buyside platform allows our agents to preemptively be out there with the product, with a clear sense as to which …

AP source: Aging New York nuclear plant to close by 2021

The aging Indian Point nuclear power plant just north of New York City will close within about four years under a deal with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has long argued it should be shuttered to protect the millions of people living nearby. Under the arrangement, plant owner Entergy Corp. will shut both reactors at the Westchester County facility by April 2021.

Aging New York nuclear plant to close by 2021, AP source says

The aging Indian Point nuclear power plant just north of New York City will close within about four years under a deal with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has long argued it should be shuttered to protect the millions of people living nearby. Under the arrangement plant owner Entergy Corp. will shut both reactors at the Westchester County facility by April 2021.

Weather: Cold temps, chance of snow Saturday

There’s a chance for a dash of snow in parts of Westchester and the Hudson Valley Saturday as a storm brushes by the area. News 12 meteorologists are tracking a coastal storm that is currently expected to mostly impact areas south of the Hudson Valley region.