Officials dedicate 2 large solar electric generating plants

Two large solar-powered generating plants built near Las Vegas to power the operations of commercial data company Switch in northern and southern Nevada were dedicated Monday by elected, company and business officials. The industrial-sized power plants at an industrial park in North Las Vegas are designed to generate the equivalent amount of electricity to meet the needs of 46,000 Nevada homes, according to a company statement.

The GOP tax bill is huge for the US oil and gas industry

The GOP tax overhaul passed both chambers of the U.S. Congress, although a lot remains to be done before a bill can reach the President's desk. Still, there are a lot of changes in store for energy, and because much of the discrepancy between the two chambers is focused on some big-ticket tax items-and not energy-we can be reasonably confident about what to expect from the legislation in regard to the energy sector.

Nebraska Public Service Commission Allows Keystone XL Pipeline…

Betraying bipartisan voices from across Nebraska and the rest of the United States, the Nebraska Public Service Commission voted today to allow the Keystone XL pipeline, which will connect a Canadian pipeline transporting the dirtiest fuel on the planet to an existing line at the Nebraska-Kansas border. The fossil fuel company TransCanada plans to lay Keystone XL over the Ogallala aquifer, endangering the primary source of clean water for 2.3 million people in America's heartland.

House approves bill to expand hydroelectric power

The Republican-controlled House has approved a bill aimed at expanding hydroelectric power, an action supporters said would boost a clean source of renewable energy but opponents denounced as a giveaway to large power companies. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington state, would define hydropower as a renewable energy source and streamline the way projects are licensed, with primary authority granted to a single federal agency.

Puerto Rico seeks renewable energy future with Tesla

A Puerto Rican official who has been in talks with Tesla Inc said the island is serious about transforming its energy infrastructure after it was leveled by Category 4 Hurricane Maria, despite questions about how such an overhaul would be funded. A Puerto Rican official who has been in talks with Tesla Inc said the island is serious about transforming its energy infrastructure after it was leveled by Category 4 Hurricane Maria, despite questions about how such an overhaul would be funded.

INSIGHT-The US solar industry’s new growth region: Trump country

President Donald Trump's administration has vowed to revive the coal industry, challenged climate-change science and blasted renewable energy as expensive and dependent on government subsidies. And yet the solar power industry is booming across Trump country, fueled by falling development costs and those same subsidies, which many Republicans in Congress continue to support.

Renewables opportunity in Puerto Rico

Politicians and investors say they have a golden opportunity in the wake of Hurricane Maria to re-invent Puerto Rico's power grid as a storm-resistant network. Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico's antiquated and bankrupt electrical system, leaving millions in the dark and utility crews scrambling to help.

Renewable Power Market 2017 – By Analyzing the Performance of Various Competitors

June 2017 saw a number of policy changes in the global renewable power market . In the Americas, in the US, President Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.

Compared to the Benefits of Peace, Spending Money on War Is Insane

While war is perceived by many as an inherent institution of the nation state, few people fail to recognize and regret the horror, death, destruction, suffering, and misery it inflicts. Another consequence of war, however, is less often considered, though it is in the long run even more damaging to the cause of human well-being.

Trade panel says low-cost solar imports hurt US companies

Low-cost solar panels imported from China and other countries have caused serious injury to American manufacturers, a U.S. trade commission ruled Friday, raising the possibility of the Trump administration imposing tariffs that could double the price of solar panels from abroad. The 4-0 vote by the International Trade Commission sets up a two-month review period in which the panel must recommend a remedy to President Donald Trump, with a final decision on tariffs expected in January.

US solar industry hurt by cheap imports from China

A US trade panel has ruled that low-cost solar panels imported from China and other countries have caused serious injury to American manufacturers, raising the possibility of the Trump administration imposing tariffs that could double the price of solar panels from aboard. Friday's vote by the International Trade Commission was unanimous.

Solar boom or bust? Companies seek tariffs on solar imports

Cheap solar panels imported from China and other countries have led to a boom in the U.S. solar industry, where rooftop and other installations have surged 10-fold since 2011. But two U.S. solar manufacturers say the flood of imports has led one to bankruptcy and forced the other to lay off three-quarters of its workforce.

Elon Musk was right: It’s ‘super obvious’ hydrogen…

Tesla CEO Elon Musk speaks at unveiling of the Model 3, March 31, 2016, in Hawthorne, CA. CREDIT: AP/Justin Pritchard Back in 2015, Tesla CEO Elon Musk explained why hydrogen fuel cell vehicles "are extremely silly" and why " hydrogen is an incredibly dumb " alternative fuel compared to electricity .

U.S. senator urges FBI to probe Icahn over biofuels push

A Democratic U.S. Senator on Wednesday urged the FBI to launch a criminal probe into whether billionaire investor Carl Icahn broke the law when he called for a change in the federal biofuel program that would have enriched him personally while he was an adviser to President Donald Trump. "It appears Mr. Icahn potentially violated the principal conflict of interest statute ... abused his role as a special adviser to the president of the United States on issues relating to regulatory reform," by participating in a government matter that affects his financial interests, Senator Tammy Duckworth of ethanol-producing Illinois said in a letter to the FBI, a copy of which was seen by Reuters.

Energy Analyst: DOE’s Grid Study Raises Red Flags About Future Of Green Energy

The Department of Energy's grid study contains several important red flags to consider when determining what role solar and wind power will play in the future, a digital tech analyst told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The DOE's study notes that green energy technology is not currently a problem for the electrical grid, but the agency's report warns that solar and wind power could become a problem in the future if demand explodes, according to Mark Mills, an executive at tech-consulting organization Digital Power Group.

Wall Street Breakfast: Strength In The Defense Sector

Seeking Alpha's flagship daily business news summary, gives you a rapid overview of the day's key financial news. It is published before 7:00 AM ET every market day and delivered to over 900,000 email subscribers.

“An Inconvenient Sequel” conveniently leaves out one big truth

In this Jan. 26, 2015 file photo, a hornless cow stands in a dairy barn at Fair Oaks Farms in Fair Oaks, Ind. Fair Oaks, one of the nationA's largest dairy farms with 36,000 cows, is phasing out the use of milk cows with horns _ unruly cows can be hazardous because they can gore farm workers or other animals.

Van Nuys Airport gets first solar rooftop project, Long Beach Airport may be next

When Curt Castagna built four new airplane hangars at Van Nuys Airport, he started to think about all the wasted space - on the roof. So he decided to fill up that space by going into the solar energy business, a first for his group and a first for the general aviation airport.