More than 30 dead as tanker rams into vehicles on Kenya road

President-elect Donald Trump is partaking in one the nation's most storied football rivalries, saluting U.S. troops at the annual Army-Navy game on Saturday as he prepares to enter the White House. President-elect Donald Trump moved closer to nominating Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his secretary of State on Saturday, a decision that would bring a business leader with close ties to Russia into the Cabinet.

Report: Trump’s Secretary of State Is Rex Tillerson

Multiple outlets are reporting this, although it all traces back to NBC News at this point. Here is the Wall Street Journal from a couple of days ago talking about Tillerson's ties to Putin : Friends and associates said few U.S. citizens are closer to Mr. Putin than Mr. Tillerson, who has known Mr. Putin since he represented Exxon's interests in Russia during the regime of Boris Yeltsin.

Sunset panel passes on Railroad Commission name change, other proposals

This spring, the staff of a legislative body that periodically reviews state agencies recommended a variety of major reforms to the entity that's supposed to regulate the oil and gas industry in the state. Among the proposals: Changing the name of the Railroad Commission of Texas to the "Texas Energy Resources Commission" so the public would have a better idea of what the 125-year-old agency actually does.

TransCanada Corp still ‘fully committed’ to Keystone XL, plans to engage with next president Trump

The controversial Keystone XL pipeline, all but dead under U.S. President Barack Obama, may find new life under pro-oil president-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to reverse course on much of Obama's energy and environmental agenda. TransCanada Corp. said Wednesday it is considering how to pitch the next president on the benefits of the proposed, and denied, pipeline that would give oilsands crude better access to U.S. markets.

Journo Waging Anti-Exxon Effort Admits Central Argument Is Totally Inaccurate

Meg Bell holds a banner during a protest before the start of the Exxon Mobil Corporation Shareholders Meeting in Dallas, Texas, May 28, 2008. REUTERS/Mike Stone Exxon Mobil's decision not to disclose internal information about climate change isn't comparable to the effect the tobacco industry had on public health, according to the co-author of reports published last year trashing the oil company.

Decision Challenges Efficacy of Liability Management Strategies

In her Distress Mergers and Acquisitions column, Corinne Ball of Jones Day discusses the recent Second Circuit decision in 'Chesapeake Energy v. Bank of New York Mellon Trust', writing: 'Chesapeake' involved a dispute between bondholders and the issuing company regarding whether a "make whole" or pre-payment premium was required when the bond issue was refinanced.

Dems Call GOP Effort To Protect Exxon An ‘Embarrassment’

The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology held a hearing Wednesday seemingly with the goal of affirming that chairman Lamar Smith has the authority to subpoena those investigating whether the oil industry covered up what it knew about climate change. But Democrats on the committee used the hearing to slam Smith and the GOP for what they say are embarrassing efforts to defend the oil industry.

Why These Five Stocks Are on Investors’ Radars on Thursday

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Dogs, Ponies, Rats, Unicorns & Rhinos

The top executives of the five biggest oil companies were on the hot seat yesterday, testifying at the Senate Committee on Finance for a contentious hearing entitled Oil & Gas Tax Incentives & Rising Energy Prices . ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, ConocoPhillips CEO Jim Mulva, Shell Oil Co.

Court urged to hold Exxon to U.S. order

Exxon Mobil operates more than 1,000 miles of pipeline that is in similar condition to the aging crude-oil line that ruptured and spilled thousands of gallons of oil into a Mayflower neighborhood more than two years ago, attorneys with the U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday. The attorneys commented in a document urging the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to deny Exxon Mobil's request that the court stay, or delay, a federal agency's order that the company comply with several safety directives as a result of the March 29, 2013, accident in Mayflower.

Turning back on Trump, Koch network focuses on Senate

In this photo May 22, 2012 file photo, Charles Koch speaks in his office at Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas. Billionaire industrialist and conservative benefactor Koch is hosting hundreds of the nation's most powerful political donors this weekend in Colorado.

Koch donors gather for weekend retreat

In this photo May 22, 2012 file photo, Charles Koch speaks in his office at Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas. Billionaire industrialist and conservative benefactor Koch is hosting hundreds of the nation's most powerful political donors this weekend in Colorado.