Cubans sold everything to reach U.S., now hundreds stranded

A group of Cuban migrants share travel stories outside the Caritas shelter for migrants in Panama City, Panama, January 13, 2017. Lilia Gonzales , a staff member of the Caritas shelter for migrants, explains the center policy and options to new Cuban migrants that arrived the previous night to the center in Panama City, Panama, January 13, 2017.

Canadian dairy could face Trump challenge

U.S. dairy groups are calling on Donald Trump to set his sights on Canada’s “protectionist” dairy practices as he seeks to safeguard American jobs. The International Dairy Foods Association, National Milk Producers Federation and U.S. Dairy Export Council, along with the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture say a planned national Canadian ingredients strategy will block U.S. exports in violation of NAFTA and the World Trade Organization.

A Springsteen – sort of – Trump event

Tirdad Derakhshani was born in Tehran, Iran, and raised in London and rural North Jersey, where he closely studied a theoretical, radical post-Hegelian approach to cow-tipping. He moved to Philadelphia in the mid-’80s to seek enlightenment, and instead received a B.A. in literature at Penn.

On Russia, Tillerson can look to Reagan

Confirmation hearings for former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to become secretary of state began with Sen. Marco Rubio and others questioning Tillerson on the biggest newsmaker of the moment: Russia. Vladimir Putin’s regime not only meddled in the U.S. election; Russia’s alliance with Syria’s Bashar Assad has been responsible for the loss of countless lives and awful regional instability.

The guardians of the liberal order now foresee its collapse

Want smart analysis of the most important news in your inbox every weekday along with other global reads, interesting ideas and opinions to know? Sign up for the Today’s WorldView newsletter . At his farewell address in Chicago earlier this week, President Obama offered a plaintive lament for a world under threat.

Germaphobe in chief calls shaking hands ‘barbaric’ – but Trump…

U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands as he meets with Republican President-elect Donald Trump on transition planning in the Oval Office at the White House on Nov. 10, 2016 in Washington, D.C. Trump has said that he hates shaking hands. WASHINGTON – President-elect Donald Trump, during a news conference in New York City on Wednesday, vehemently denied the salacious and unverified allegations put forth in a 35-page dossier published by BuzzFeed News.

Report: ‘Very Credible’ Trump Dossier Author Has Gone Into Hiding

As of Thursday, the debate over the credibility of the purported opposition research dossier on Donald Trump alleging that Russia has blackmail material on him continues to be the top news story in America. The Guardian stoked the fire with a report citing their intelligence community sources as saying that Christopher Steele , the former MI-6 officer who authored the dossier, is considered “very credible” and a “highly regarded professional.”

US troops arriving in Poland draw Russian ire

US troops and tanks began streaming into Poland Thursday as part of one of the largest deployments of US forces in Europe since the Cold War, an operation that Russia angrily branded a “threat”. The Atlantic Resolve mission will see more than 3,000 American soldiers and heavy equipment deployed in Poland and nearby NATO partners Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary on a rotational basis.

Trump’s choice for top US diplomat talks tough on China

Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. questions Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson during the committee’s confirmation hearing Tillerson, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washi… WASHINGTON – Pointing toward possible confrontation, Donald Trump’s selection for secretary of state likened Beijing’s island-building in the South China Sea to a takeover of another country’s territory and spoke of forcing Beijing to fully apply sanctions on North Korea.

Trump’s choice for top US diplomat talks tough on China

Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. questions Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson during the committee’s confirmation hearing Tillerson, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017, on Capitol Hill in Washi… WASHINGTON – Pointing toward possible confrontation, Donald Trump’s selection for secretary of state likened Beijing’s island-building in the South China Sea to a takeover of another country’s territory and spoke of forcing Beijing to fully apply sanctions on North Korea.

Abbas to meet Pope Francis in advance of Paris parley

Pope Francis talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a private audience at the Vatican City, May 16, 2015.. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Saturday, just one day before France is scheduled to host an international peace conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Dubai’s DAMAC confirms offering $2B in deals to Trump

Dubai-based developer DAMAC Properties said Wednesday it recently offered $2 billion in deals to President-elect Donald Trump’s company, which rejected them. The developer already has partnered with the Trump Organization to manage and run two golf courses in the glamorous city in the United Arab Emirates.

Donald Trump hit back at claims Russia possesses compromising material about him

US President-elect Donald Trump has suggested American intelligence agencies may be responsible for releasing a dossier containing allegations that Russia holds compromising information about him. At his first press conference since winning November’s presidential election, Mr Trump thanked media organisations which held back from publishing details from the dossier, which has reportedly been circulating in Washington for some time.

Tillerson says would support maintaining Russia sanctions for now

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, said on Wednesday he would support maintaining U.S. sanctions on Russia until the United States further develops its approach to the country. “I would leave things in the status quo so we are able to convey this can go either way,” Tillerson said during his confirmation hearing, in response to a question on whether he thought right now is the right time to lift sanctions on Russia.

Mexico again says there is a no waya it will pay for Trump wall

Mexico’s new Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Tuesday there is no way his country will pay for the wall that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to build on the United States’ southern border to keep out illegal immigrants. “There are no circumstancesnot even the best possible trade deal, investments, support which would justify taking a step that would violate the dignity of Mexicans to such an extent.”

‘Pulp fiction’: Russia denies – compromising materials’ on Trump

‘Pulp fiction’: Russia denies ‘compromising materials’ on Trump It comes after unverified intelligence documents accused Russia of “cultivating, supporting, and assisting” Trump for “at least five years.” Check out this story on Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Tyumen region governor Vladimir Yakushev in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014.

Nicaragua pledges to fight for Taiwan recognition on global stage

Nicaragua on Tuesday said it wanted to secure bigger international recognition for Taiwan during a visit by President Tsai Ing-wen at a moment of Chinese suspicions the leader of the self-ruled island is seeking formal independence from China. Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega welcomed his Taiwanese counterpart on a visit that follows complaints by Beijing about the attitude of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump who has questioned the United States’ commitment to China’s position that Taiwan is part of one China.

NZ to benefit from Trump/Brexit?

New Zealand could be the accidental beneficiary from the election of Donald Trump as US President and the Brexit vote if it speeds up the pace of free trade talks with the European Union in a bid to stamp out protectionism. Prime Minister Bill English met with European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels earlier this morning.

Senators join forces on legislation to punish Russia WASHINGTON (AP)…

Senate Republicans and Democrats joined forces Tuesday to directly challenge President-elect Donald Trump over Russia’s interference in U.S. elections and for ongoing aggression in other parts of the world. The 10 lawmakers, five from each party, introduced sweeping legislation designed to go beyond the punishments against Russia already levied by the Obama administration and to demonstrate to Trump that forcefully responding to Moscow’s meddling isn’t a partisan issue.

Russian town wants to name street Trump

The incoming U.S. president is popular in Russia, in part for his praise of Vladimir Putin, and one town is looking for a way to honor Donald Trump. Many in the town of Ryazan, about 150 miles outside Moscow, are hoping for a thaw in U.S.-Russian relations and pinning those hopes on President-elect Trump.

Trump’s Man in Indonesia to Boost Ties With Theme Park, Racing Track

Indonesian tycoon Hary Tanoesoedibjo says he’s fending off potential rivals to his pact with the Trump Organization by building new projects such as a motorbike-racing track and Disneyland-like theme park to cement the alliance. Tanoesoedibjo’s MNC Group, which is redeveloping two Indonesian resorts to be managed by the company owned by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, is open to more joint ventures given his existing relationship and access.

Cuomo: NY can show the nation an alternative to Trump

” New York state must stand as an alternative to Donald Trump, showing the nation that tolerance, progressive policies like a higher minimum wage and investments in education can create an economy that works for all, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday. Without mentioning the Republican president-elect by name, Cuomo, a Democrat, said it is up to New York to find a different way to address the middle-class angst that propelled Trump to the White House.

Did Richard Wilkins have to MESSAGE Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman…

Enough to drive you crazy! Driver gets a $128 ticket for leaving his car to warm up on his OWN driveway in freezing temperatures Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner WILL join his White House administration – as unpaid ‘Senior Advisor to the President’ ‘My sandwich? MY SANDWICH?!’ Father furious his wife took a bite out of his grilled cheese snack opens fire at her and is taken down after three-hour stand-off with police Revealed: The eight traits the man who will make the best lover, husband and father possesses Raising a child is as expensive as buying a FERRARI! Costs to raise offspring from birth to adulthood spiral to $233,000 Baby blunders! Parents send incredibly awkward photos of their precious children to Ellen DeGeneres for new talk show segment that highlights the tots’ most hilarious snapshots Do YOU have spelling OCD? Only the most pedantic of English language … (more)

‘I’m drunk and I’m locked out!’ Tipsy Busy Philipps ends her Golden …

Enough to drive you crazy! Driver gets a $128 ticket for leaving his car to warm up on his OWN driveway in freezing temperatures ‘My sandwich? MY SANDWICH?!’ Father furious his wife took a bite out of his grilled cheese snack opens fire at her and is taken down after three-hour stand-off with police Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner WILL join his White House administration – as unpaid ‘Senior Advisor to the President’ Revealed: The eight traits the man who will make the best lover, husband and father possesses Raising a child is as expensive as buying a FERRARI! Costs to raise offspring from birth to adulthood spiral to $233,000 Baby blunders! Parents send incredibly awkward photos of their precious children to Ellen DeGeneres for new talk show segment that highlights the tots’ most hilarious snapshots Do YOU have spelling OCD? Only the most pedantic of English language … (more)

Michele Bachmann looks to Trump to reverse “evil” gay agenda

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently appeared on Family Research Council President Tony Perkins ‘ “Washington Watch” radio show, where she made known her support of Perkins’ call for President-elect Donald Trump to eliminate supporters of LGBTQ rights from the State Department. The Trump transition team has already raised alarm bells with a memo sent to the Energy Department asking for the names of people who work on climate change , and another to the State Department looking for information on employees who have worked “to promote gender equality, such as ending gender-based violence, promoting women’s participation in economic and political spheres, entrepreneurship, etc.”

US, North Korea trade warnings over potential ICBM test

With Donald Trump getting ready to take office as president, North Korea is talking about launching a newly perfected intercontinental ballistic missile. Officials in Washington are saying that if Pyongyang launches anything that threatens the territory of the U.S. or its allies, it will be shot down.