Budweiser’s Super Bowl ad celebrates immigrant tale of its co-founder

Moving away from the stories of love, puppies and horses from years past, Budweiser took a deeper approach to their 2017 Super Bowl commercial. Titled “Born The Hard Way,” the beer ad tells the story of a young immigrant , Adolphus Busch, on his journey from Hamburg, Germany to St. Louis, where he meets future Budweiser co-founder Eberhard Anheuser.

The Latest: Dutch populist lawmaker praises Trumpa s bans

The Latest on President Donald Trump, his travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries and other immigration actions : The Netherlands’ firebrand anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders has clashed in Parliament with the Dutch foreign minister over U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban for people from seven Muslim nations. In a debate Tuesday, Wilders – seen by many as a Dutch equivalent of Trump – paid tribute to the new U.S. leader, saying, “Finally America has a president, finally a country in the West has a president, who not only lives up to his promises but who says ‘the freedom of my citizens is more important than anything.’

The Latest: Dutch populist lawmaker praises Trumpa s bans

The Latest on President Donald Trump, his travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries and other immigration actions : The Netherlands’ firebrand anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders has clashed in Parliament with the Dutch foreign minister over U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban for people from seven Muslim nations. In a debate Tuesday, Wilders – seen by many as a Dutch equivalent of Trump – paid tribute to the new U.S. leader, saying, “Finally America has a president, finally a country in the West has a president, who not only lives up to his promises but who says ‘the freedom of my citizens is more important than anything.’

Trelleborg Named Official Partner Of The AGCO Africa Summit

Trelleborg has been named as an official partner of the 6th AGCO Africa Summit, which will be held in Berlin, Germany on January 23. Launched in 2012, the AGCO Africa Summit is one of the leading platforms for the discussion of the critical issues impacting the region’s agricultural development. The theme of the 2017 AGCO Africa Summit is ‘Agribusiness in Africa.


On Friday, Jan. 27, President Donald Trump signed an ex… . Protesters assemble at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017 after two Iraqi refugees were detained while trying to enter the country.

Germany: Social Democrats back Schulz to challenge Merkel

Former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz of the Social Democratic Party, SPD, center, waves as he arrives for a news conference at the party’s headquarters in Berlin, Germany, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017. Members of the SPD’s national executive agreed Sunday to make Schulz their candidate for the chancellorship, a post that traditionally goes to the party which receives the greatest share of votes in a general election.

Germany: Social Democrats back Schulz to challenge Merkel

Germany’s main center-left party is backing former European Parliament president Martin Schulz to lead their campaign to unseat Chancellor Angela Merkel in the country’s upcoming election. Members of the Social Democratic Party’s national executive agreed Sunday to make Schulz their candidate for the chancellorship, a post that traditionally goes to the party which receives the greatest share of votes in a general election.

The Latest: Iraq: We understand motives behind travel ban

The Latest on U.S. President Donald Trump and his ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries : The Iraqi government says it understands the security motives behind President Donald Trump’s decision to ban seven predominantly Muslim nations, including Iraq, from entering the United States, but underlined that their “special relationship” should be taken into consideration. Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi says Iraqis are hoping that the new orders “will not affect the efforts of strengthening and developing the bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States.”

Germany’s Merkel, Trump agree on importance of NATO in call

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump discussed conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine on Saturday and agreed on the importance of NATO during their first call since Trump’s inauguration, according to joint statement by Merkel’s office. The two leaders had an “extensive phone conversation” in which they also talked about relations with Russia, said Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert.

PHOTO: President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with German…

President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jan. 28, 2017, in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington. President Donald Trump is spending his Saturday holding a series of phone calls with world leaders, including a much-anticipated phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin .

Trump, UK prime minister emphasize ‘special relationship’ at White House

In his first official meeting with a foreign leader, President Trump prepared Friday to welcome British Prime Minister Theresa May to the White House for talks that center on trade, the British withdrawal from the European Union, and the future of the NATO military alliance. Trump, UK prime minister emphasize ‘special relationship’ at White House In his first official meeting with a foreign leader, President Trump prepared Friday to welcome British Prime Minister Theresa May to the White House for talks that center on trade, the British withdrawal from the European Union, and the future of the NATO military alliance.

German prosecutors widen Volkswagen emissions probe

In this Jan. 19, 2017 file picture Martin Winterkorn, former CEO of the German car manufacturer Volkswagen, arrives for a questioning at an investigation committee of the German federal parliament in Berlin, German. Prosecutors in Germany say Friday Jan. 27, 2017 they have sufficient evidence to indicate that former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn knew of his company’s emissions cheating software earlier than he claims.

Putin and Trump likely to discuss Ukraine sanctions during Saturday phone call: White House aide

Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump are likely to discuss the sanctions that Washington imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine when the two leaders speak by telephone on Saturday, a senior White House aide said. Trump has said in the past that, as part of a rapprochement he is seeking with Russia, he is prepared to review sanctions that his predecessor, Barack Obama, imposed on Russia over its 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula.

REPORTS: Trump to speak to Merkel about Russia on same day he talks to Putin for the first time

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is likely to speak with US President Donald Trump on Saturday and the conversation is expected to focus on Russia, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Friday. The source did not say tell Reuters whether Trump might want to speak with Merkel about a lifting of the US and European sanctions imposed on Russia in response to its intervention in Ukraine, as overnight reports from the United States suggested.

Fiat Chrysler: Trump proposals ‘positive’ if all implemented

In this file photo dated Monday, Jan. 9, 2017, Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne during a briefing at the North American International Auto show, in Detroit, USA. Marchionne said Thursday Jan. 26, 2017, in a conference call that discussions are “proceeding well” with U.S. environmental authorities over accusations that the company failed to disclose software that let vehicles emit more pollution than allowed.

Positive Three-Year Results from the Ovation European Post Market…

Endologix, Inc. , developer and marketer of innovative treatments for aortic disorders, announced today the presentation of positive 3-year clinical data from the Ovation European Post Market Registry at the 2017 Leipzig Interventional Course in Leipzig, Germany. The results were presented by Patrick Peeters, MD, Chief, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Imelda Hospital, Bonheiden, Belgium and investigator for the study.

The Latest: Trump says refugee crackdown ‘not a Muslim ban’

President Donald Trump bars all refugees from entering the United States for four months _ and those from war-ravaged Syria indefinitely _ declaring the ban necessary to prevent “radical Islamic terrorists” from… Confusion, worry and outrage are growing as President Donald Trump’s crackdown on refugees and citizens from seven majority-Muslim country takes effect President Donald Trump’s first conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin since taking office is sparking concern among European allies and fellow Republicans about the future of U.S. sanctions on Moscow.

Merkel’s bid for fourth term is complicated by coalition partner…

The surprise decision by Social Democratic leader Sigmar Gabriel to surrender the SPD’s candidacy to a more popular figure, former European Parliament President Martin Schulz, reinvigorates the fortunes of a party that has become the perennial also-ran to Merkel’s Christian Democrats during her tenure. “Schulz is someone who will compete with a more aggressive stance during the election campaign,” said Henrik Enderlein, professor of political economy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, in an interview Tuesday.

Germany culls 48,000 turkeys after more bird flu found on farms

Germany completed the culling of 45,000 turkeys over the weekend and several thousand more are due to be destroyed after more cases of the contagious H5N8 strain of bird flu were identified on German farms, authorities said on Monday. The mass culling in the eastern state of Brandenburg was carried out after the virus was found on a farm in Dahme-Spreewald.

How to choose a terrible song for your wedding or inauguration

Music is a glorious, personal, subjective thing and there’s literally no accounting for people and their terrible, terrible taste. The world was reminded of this fact on Friday when new US President Donald Trump enjoyed an awkward dance with his First Lady Melania to the strains of My Way : a song sung from the perspective of a dying man making futile protests as he nears the grave.

Trump presidency boosts European right-wingers

Right-wing leaders from across the region meeting in Germany see new US administration as dawn of a new era European nationalist leaders came together on Saturday in a show of strength at the start of a year of big election tests, celebrating Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president and declaring themselves a realistic alternative to the continent’s governments. Right-wing populist leaders from France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and elsewhere strode confidently into the Koblenz congress hall on the banks of the Rhine River ahead of a flag-waving escort, setting the tone for a gathering whose mood was buoyed by Trump’s swearing-in.

The ENF: at the far-right of the European Parliament

Here is a snapshot of members of the Europe of Nations and Freedom , a circle of far-right parties who met in the west German city of Koblenz on Saturday. The small group, which comprises 40 EU lawmakers from nine nations in the 751-member European Parliament, was created by French far-right leader Marine Le Pen in June 2015.

Boosted by Trump, Europe’s Antiestablishment Unites

KOBLENZ, Germany-Europe’s leading anti-immigrant and antiestablishment politicians rallied in the Rhineland on Saturday to launch an election year they hope will topple the European Union, displaying a new level of ambition and organization and casting U.S. President Donald Trump as their inspiration. It was the first time that Marine Le Pen, the French nationalist leader vying for the presidency, campaigned alongside Frauke Petry, the most prominent of Germany’s anti-immigrant politicians.

Europe’s nationalist leaders launch year of election hopes

AfD chairwoman Frauke Petry, Far-right leader and candidate for next spring presidential elections Marine le Pen from France, Italian Lega Nord chief Matteo Salvini and Dutch populist anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders , from left, stand together in the beginning of a meeting of European Nationalists in Koblenz, Germany, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017. less AfD chairwoman Frauke Petry, Far-right leader and candidate for next spring presidential elections Marine le Pen from France, Italian Lega Nord chief Matteo Salvini and Dutch populist … more Helpers prepare for a meeting of European nationalists in Koblenz, Germany, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017.

Merkel: Trump ‘made convictions clear’ in speech

When asked about America’s new president’s swearing-in on January 20, she said that transatlantic relations ‘will not be less important in coming years’. Sources claim that while the inauguration was happening in Washington DC, the German leader attended the opening of an art museum in Potsdam, Germany.

‘Axolotl Overkill’: Film Review | Sundance 2017

Overkill may indeed be the appropriate term to describe German author turned director Helene Hegemann’s feature debut, adapted from a bestselling novel she penned at the age of 16. Chronicling the wild nights and aimless days of a Berliner girl who just wants to have fun, and possibly find some real affection in the process, Axolotl Overkill vaguely follows in the footsteps of films by Larry Clark or Gus Van Sant, though its many scenes of decadence are portrayed with all the polish and deliberateness of an Urban Outfitters ad.

After Trump pledges ‘America First,’ the world responds with…

If the credo of the new U.S. president is “America First,” as Donald Trump emphatically declared Friday in his strikingly nationalistic inaugural address, then where does that leave the rest of the world? That’s what people around the globe – from Asia to the Middle East to Latin America – were left to wonder after watching Trump use the opening minutes of his presidency to double down on campaign pledges to end what he sees as misguided efforts to help other countries at the expense of U.S. interests. After more than 70 years of vigorous political, diplomatic, economic and military engagement to promote pax-Americana, Trump’s words suggested to international observers a far more isolationist and protectionist path ahead.