Anger erupts over Trump’s order banning refugees from US

In this Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017 photo, released by the French Foreign ministry, French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, left, greets his newly appointed German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel, before… . In this Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017 photo, released by the French Foreign ministry, French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, left, greets his newly appointed German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel, before… LONDON – Anger erupted on Saturday – along with some praise from the far-right – about U.S. President Donald Trump’s ban on refugees entering the United States.

The Latest: Official: Trump ban affects all non-US citizens

The Latest on U.S. President Donald Trump and his ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries : A U.S. federal law enforcement official says any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen is now barred from entering the United States. That covers legal permanent residents – green card holders – and visa-holders from those seven countries who are out of the United States after Friday, when President Donald Trump signed an executive order with the temporary ban.

New report reveals top Israeli official living in illegal colonial settlement

An Israeli Finance Minister, who is in charge of implementing a law to demolish Palestinian homes in the West Bank, is himself living in an unlicensed building in an illegal colonial settlement on Occupied Palestinian land – and he is just one of many Israeli officials living in illegal settlements, according to a new report. The report, released Wednesday by the Palestine Liberation Organization, documented a number of top Israeli officials, many of whom are tasked with displacing Palestinians or demolishing their homes, living on illegally seized Palestinian land.

Israelis Seek to Comfort Holocaust’s Loneliest Survivors

Surrounded by more than 100 fellow Holocaust survivors and young volunteers, a blind Ernest Weiner sat in his wheelchair with a puffy crown on his head as the crowd sang happy birthday and showered him with hugs and greetings. The widowed and childless 92-year-old Weiner lives on his own and the cheerful gathering offered him one of life’s most valuable commodities – company.

Israel moves quickly to take advantage of Trump support

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the weekly cabinet meeting at the PM’s office in Jerusalem, on December 27, 2015 Israel has moved immediately to take advantage of US President Donald Trump’s pledges of support, announcing a major settlement expansion that deeply concerns those hoping to salvage a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Since Trump’s inauguration last week, Israel has approved some 3,000 settler homes in the occupied West Bank and in annexed east Jerusalem, signalling a sharp change of pace from such projects during the Barack Obama years.

Ira Sharkansky

We’re amidst an upsurge in Muslim violence, chaos in a number of Middle Eastern countries, plus the resurgence of Russian power in Ukraine, Syria, and Libya, all this against the milk toast approach of Obama in opposing the Russians, and his lack of conviction about Muslim violence. Donald Trump’s declaration of “America First” disturbs Jews and others who remember Charles Lindbergh, isolationists, and American Nazis on the eve of World War II.

Trump administration reviews foreign aid in Obama’s final months in office

A Palestinian man reads by the beach as fishermen cast their nets off the shore in Gaza City on Jan. 24. The State Department is conducting a review of all foreign aid parceled out in the final two months of the Obama administration, including the controversial last-minute release of $220 million to Palestinians announced just hours before Donald Trump was sworn in as president. The review involves dozens, if not hundreds, of foreign aid allocations made after Trump was elected.

Understanding what Israel did and didn’t do

Israel announced a bold plan on Tuesday to construct 2,500 housing units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, a decision made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just two days after he spoke with President Trump. a For eight years, Netanyahu and his right-wing allies bristled at the harsh condemnations of settlement growth by the Obama administration, which referred to the Israeli communities as “illegitimate” and “an obstacle to peace.”

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama’s Cash to Palestinians – Was a Final Slap at Israel’ NR Staff 4 hours ago

Charles Krauthammer lambasted the outgoing Obama administration for feeding money to anti-Semitic groups through an “aid” package that will be used for propaganda, and he also offered his thoughts on Israel’s political interests regarding the proposed U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem: I think that was a final slap at Israel by Obama on the way out the door. It doesn’t compare with abandoning Israel at the United Nations on the vote at the Security Council a week before.

State Dept. reviewing $221 million payment to Palestinians

The State Department is reviewing a last-minute decision by former Secretary of State John Kerry to send $221 million dollars to the Palestinians late last week over the objections of congressional Republicans. The department said Tuesday it would look at the payment and might make adjustments to ensure it comports with the Trump administration’s priorities.

Israel announces plans for 2,500 new settlement homes

Israel announced plans on Tuesday for 2,500 more settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, the second such declaration since U.S. President Donald Trump took office signalling he could be more accommodating towards such projects than his predecessor. A statement from the Israeli Defence Ministry, which administers lands Israel captured in a 1967 war, said the decision was meant to fulfil demand for new housing “to maintain regular daily life”.

With Trump’s swearing-in, Israel pushes ahead on settlements

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton says he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer but will finish the final two years of his term Stark contrasts in U.S. cancer death rates were found in an exhaustive new analysis that suggests where you live contributes to your fate One black bear cub has been rescued by Virginia wildlife officials after it was discovered in a den without its mother Dippin’ Dots has apparently found a way to begin thawing out its relationship with President Donald Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, who has been sending critical tweets about the company since 2010 The wife of the founder of a ramshackle Oakland artists’ colony where dozens of people burned to death in a fire last month says she’s sorry about what happened but is angry about what she called “pretty terrible”… The partner of the founder of an Oakland artists’ colony where dozens of people burned to death in a … (more)

With Trump’s swearing-in, Israel pushes ahead on settlements

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton says he’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer but will finish the final two years of his term Stark contrasts in U.S. cancer death rates were found in an exhaustive new analysis that suggests where you live contributes to your fate One black bear cub has been rescued by Virginia wildlife officials after it was discovered in a den without its mother Dippin’ Dots has apparently found a way to begin thawing out its relationship with President Donald Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, who has been sending critical tweets about the company since 2010 The wife of the founder of a ramshackle Oakland artists’ colony where dozens of people burned to death in a fire last month says she’s sorry about what happened but is angry about what she called “pretty terrible”… The partner of the founder of an Oakland artists’ colony where dozens of people burned to death in a … (more)

Exploring Jordan’s cultural fusion

I squeezed through the narrow desert chasm just as the early-morning sun lit up the facade of the majestic Treasury building. The structure, originally a mausoleum, was carved from a red canyon some 2,000 years ago, when the city of Petra was a global trade center and its monuments a fusion of Arab and Greco-Roman cultures.

Exploring Jordan’s cultural fusion

I squeezed through the narrow desert chasm just as the early-morning sun lit up the facade of the majestic Treasury building. The structure, originally a mausoleum, was carved from a red canyon some 2,000 years ago, when the city of Petra was a global trade center and its monuments a fusion of Arab and Greco-Roman cultures.

Emboldened by Trump, Israel Rapidly Expands Illegal Settlements

“The Trump administration is giving Israel the green light to entrench a separate and unequal one-state reality with more illegal settlements.” Emboldened by the new right-wing Trump administration, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved a large settlement expansion-2,500 housing units-in the West Bank on Tuesday.

Emboldened by Trump, Israel Rapidly Expands Illegal Settlements

“The Trump administration is giving Israel the green light to entrench a separate and unequal one-state reality with more illegal settlements.” Emboldened by the new right-wing Trump administration, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved a large settlement expansion-2,500 housing units-in the West Bank on Tuesday.

Delay in one of Trump’s signature committments

At his press conference on January 23, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer declined to commit the Trump administration to quickly moving the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital of the Israeli state. While President Donald Trump said during his campaign that he would move the embassy, the administration is now expressing some caution.

The Latest: Palestinians condemn Israeli settlement plans

The Latest on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, after Israel announced the construction of 2,500 new settler homes in the West Bank : A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says the Israeli plans announced Tuesday deal a new blow to attempts to bring peace to the region and will promote extremism and terrorism. Nabil Abu Rdeneh says the decision “disregards” international opposition to the settlements and is calling on the international community to take a “real and serious position” against Israel.

With Trump in Power, Israel Gives Green Light to Second Huge Settlement Expansion

Israel’s Defence Ministry announced plans on Tuesday to build 2,500 more settlement homes in the West Bank, the second announcement of new construction in the occupied territory since President Donald Trump took office. A statement from the Defence Ministry said the plans, authorized by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, were intended to fulfill a demand for new housing “to maintain regular daily life.”

Trump, amid combative start, pledges to rise to moment

After a combative start to his presidency, Donald Trump delivered a more unifying message Sunday and sought to reassure Americans he was ready to begin governing a divided nation. Trump began rolling out his plans for diplomatic outreach, speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and announcing plans for early meetings with Netanyahu and other world leaders.

The Latest: Israel delays vote on settlement annexation

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office says his Security Cabinet has unanimously agreed to postpone a vote on a proposal to annex a major West Bank settlement. The pro-settler Jewish Home Party has been pushing the government to annex the Maaleh Adumim settlement, near Jerusalem.

Israel pushes ahead with settlements as Trump takes office

The municipality of Jerusalem granted final approval Sunday for the construction of hundreds of new homes in east Jerusalem, while a hard-line Cabinet minister pushed the government to annex a major West Bank settlement as emboldened Israeli nationalists welcomed the presidency of Donald Trump. After eight years of testy ties with President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he is looking forward to a new era of close relations with the U.S. under Trump.

In Israel, marchers criticize talk of moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Standing in a chilly sea breeze, hundreds of American expatriate demonstrators gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to protest what they described as President Trump’s slights against women and minorities. Demonstrators were careful to keep the focus local, though, singing Hebrew prayers for peace, protesting Trump’s promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and holding up signs critical of the new president’s emerging bromance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Arab world reacts to Trump inauguration

The Arab world is still trying to acclimate to the fact that Donald Trump has taken the oath of office to become the 45th President of the United States, especially after President Trump promised to “wipe out Islamic terror” in his inaugural address. Although there have been many letters of support and congratulations sent to the new president, not everyone in the Arab world is so pleased.

Two Palestinian bird smugglers detained at border

Israel Airport Authority officials discovered two Palestinians smuggling dozens of European goldfinches at the Allenby crossing on the Israel-Jordan border. The birds are considered to be extremely expensive in the territories and were found under the clothes of two Palestinians from Hebron and Ramallah.

AG on PM probes: No one above the law, I am doing my duty

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with then-cabinet secretary and current Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, May 26, 2015. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Friday defended his role in the corruption investigations into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling attendees at a Bar Association conference in Eilat that everyone in Israel is answerable to the law, regardless of status.

PA forces rescue 4 settlers who entered Palestinian village

Israeli Border Police officers stand guard as Palestinian farmers use tractors to work the land in the village of Qusra in the West Bank, with the Esh Kodesh outpost in the background, on November 19, 2013. A group of Israeli settlers, including three off-duty soldiers, were rescued from a Palestinian village in the northern West Bank on Friday after they entered the area for as-yet-unknown reasons and were quickly set upon by local residents, the army said.

Jerusalem mayor praises ‘friend’ Trump and slams Obama

Nothing will rain on our parade! Triumphant Donald Trump promises a beautiful day as he tells his supporters: ‘I’m going to be cheering YOU’ Trump lays wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns in somber Arlington Cemetery ceremony just one day before he becomes commander-in-chief Jerusalem mayor praises ‘friend’ Trump and slams Obama for ‘surrendering’ to radical Islam in video welcoming The Donald as President The mayor of Jerusalem has praised Donald Trump as a ‘friend’ while slamming outgoing U.S. president Barack Obama accusing him of ‘surrendering’ to radical Islam. Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat released a video on Thursday ahead of Trump’s inauguration urging people to welcome him when he is sworn in as president.

Bishops call for prayers, support for peace ina

Bishops call for prayers, support for peace in Holy Land Bishop Oscar CantAo, of the Las Cruces Catholic Diocese, was among bishops who made pilgrimage to the Middle East Check out this story on LAS CRUCES – An international council of Catholic bishops, including Las Cruces Catholic Diocese Bishop Oscar CantAo , continues to call for an end to longtime hostilities in the Middle East. The Coordination of Episcopal Conferences in Support of the Church of the Holy Land, also known as the Holy Land Coordination, concluded its annual pilgrimage Wednesday to the Holy Land.